10 Myths on Eye Health Debunked

A TV remote with a TV in the background

Many sites claim remedies or treatments that are 'supposed' to be good for your eye health but are these really true or myths? Our blog goes into details on the top 10 myths on eye health and provide you with the facts.

Myth 1: Eating carrots will give you better vision

Fact: Carrots will not improve your vision; however, they are great for overall protection and have essential nutrients and antioxidants that aid eye health, these include beta-carotene, lutein, and vitamin A which all help in protecting the macula and retina. We recommend implementing these root vegetables into your diet to keep your eyes and your overall body healthy.

Myth 2: Reading in low light will damage your eyes

Fact: Reading in low light or darkness may feel like it is damaging your eyes but don’t worry! The dim lighting can make it feel like a lot of strain on your eyes, but the worst-case scenario is usually a headache and short-term fatigue. There is no scientific evidence that says that low lighting can permanently damage your eyesight, however, we do advise you to read in a well-lit area to avoid any of the unpleasant symptoms.

Myth 3: Sitting too close to the TV will hurt your eyes

Fact: Sitting in front of any screen for a long period of time, whether that be your TV or Smartphone, may feel like it is depleting your eyesight. The blue light from electronic devices isn’t bright enough to do any lasting damage, contrary to popular belief. In short term, blue light can give you eyestrain and dry eyes which are both very treatable conditions.

Myth 4: Wearing glasses all the time will weaken your eyes

Fact: Wearing the correct glasses can help to correct vision problems like astigmatism, near-sightedness, and far-sightedness, and wearing glasses all the time does not cause our eyes to deteriorate. This misunderstanding is quite common mainly due to mixing it up with cause and effect. For example, getting new glasses will help you see much more clearly, but you may need a stronger prescription a year or two down the line.

Myth 5: Using a computer a lot can weaken your eyes

Fact: There is no scientific proof that computers can cause long-term damage to your eyes. However long-term use can cause some discomfort and eyestrain. Other effects you could experience are:

  • Blurred vision
  • Double vision
  • Dry, red eyes
  • Eye irritation
  • Headaches
  • Neck or back pain

There are multiple ways in which you can alleviate these symptoms and one of the simplest solutions is to take a break away from the screen, even a small break can help your eyes refocus and feel a lot better. We also recommend using Thealoz Duo Dry Eye Drops, which is a product perfect for those who suffer from dry eyes and is contact lens friendly!

Myth 6: Wearing someone else's glasses can weaken your eyes

Fact: Wearing someone else’s glasses won’t damage your eyes if it’s only for a few minutes as wearing glasses that aren’t your prescription for an extended period of time, could cause you a headache or eyestrain, especially in a bright environment. It is best to try and avoid wearing other people’s glasses or glasses that don’t fit your prescription. We recommend regularly testing your eyesight and going to the opticians frequently as this will benefit you and your eyes.

Myth 7: Using wetting drops cures dry eyes

Fact: Wetting drops may seem like a good idea for your eyes, as they sound like they would rehydrate and provide relief. However, you need to be aware that some eye drops don’t actually help, and you need to get drops that are specialised in treating dry eyes. We recommend a few products such as:

  • Eye Logic dry Eye Drops, which offer a fast-acting, effective solution for soothing the symptoms of dry or irritated eyes. Eye Logic drops help to rejuvenate tired eyes and prevent the build-up of irritating deposits which may occur throughout the day or whilst you are asleep – ideal for tackling mild to moderate cases of dry eyes.
  • Hycosan Original Eye Drops, these are perfect for contact lens users and provide relief for moderate eye irritation. It includes a natural tear lubricant in its formula along with natural ingredients that result in your eyes feeling fresh and hydrated

Myth 8: Not everyone gets cataracts

Fact: A cataract is the clouding of the natural human lens. Cataracts are the first symptom of aging in our eyes. Cataract formation is one of the more common reasons for needing reading glasses in our 40s and above, which is why almost all people will get cataracts in their lifetime. However, don’t be alarmed, there are various procedures that can help you combat these or try and prevent them for as long as possible.

Myth 9: Blurry vision means you need reading glasses

Fact: Blurred vision doesn’t certainly mean you need to wear glasses, if it's only mild and doesn't happen all the time or if it isn’t continuous, then it may just be a symptom of digital eye strain or fatigue, so we recommend giving your eyes a break and doing another activity that doesn’t involve a screen, for example, going on a walk or even grabbing a snack for a few minutes can help your eyes.

Myth 10: If your vision hasn't changed you don't need to go for an eye exam

Fact: it is super important to look after your eyes and go for an eye exam at the opticians, this is one of the easiest ways to take care of them. Not only will you get an insight into your eye health, but your optician can give you guidance on how to look after your eyes and suggest any treatments or products they think will be best for you, especially if you are starting to get some minor symptoms or concerns.

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