Blepha EyeBag (formally MGD Rx The EyeBag)

  • $25.30
  • $33.36
- 24%
What Is The EyeBag?

BLE­PHA EYE­BAG® is an easy to use, microwav­able warm­ing eye mask which relieves symp­toms of dry eye asso­ci­at­ed with Mei­bo­mi­an Gland Dys­func­tion* (MGD) which is a lead­ing cause of dry eye, along with oth­er relat­ed eye-con­di­tions such as Ble­phar­i­tis, Stye and Cha­lazion.

BLE­PHA EYE­BAG® may also relieve dis­com­fort relat­ed to con­tact lens­es worn by patients suf­fer­ing from dry eye.

The BLE­PHA EYE­BAG® is a hand­made and patent­ed re-usable mask:

  • Proven to be effec­tive & safe
  • Pleas­ant-to-use on a dai­ly basis
  • Devel­oped by an ophthalmologist
  • Free from addi­tives and plastics
  • Biodegrad­able & recy­clable packaging

Con­stituents: nat­ur­al silk & cot­ton, untreat­ed flax (lin­seed)

How To Use The EyeBag

Read the instruc­tions on the leaflet inside this pack before use. Ocu­lar use only.

For the first two weeks use BLE­PHA EYEBAG® twice a day for 5 to 10 min­utes each time. Ide­al­ly, morn­ing and evening. Suit­able for chil­dren from the age of 3 years old, adults and preg­nant or breast­feed­ing women.

BLE­PHA EYE­BAG® is safe and effi­cient to use up to 200 ­times before it must be replaced.

Pack Contents

BLE­PHA EYE­BAG® is safe and effi­cient to use up to 200 ­times before it must be replaced.

Conditions that usually benefit from regular twice daily Blepha EyeBag treatment are:
  • Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD)
  • Blepharitis
  • Dry eye syndrome
  • Styes
  • Eyelid cysts (Meibomian cysts know as chalazion, pronounced Ka-lazy-on)
  • Contact lens dry eye
  • Corneal laser dry eye
  • Seborrhoeic dermatitis
  • Rosacea
Symptoms that are relieved by Blepha EyeBag treatment are:
  • Grittiness
  • Tiredness
  • Redness
  • Bleary vision
  • Burning discomfort
  • Foreign body sensation (feels like there's something in the eye)
  • Dry eye
  • Eye irritation
See all of the case studies here